By award winning author, Susan K. Moore.

For more information - visit

This play is fast moving and covers the years 1963 - 1967 and tells the behind the scenes story of pirate radio.  It is often funny but also a moving and poignant account of the extraordinary lives of Reg and Dorothy Calvert.  Their love and Reg's determination, against all the odds, to run Radio City, his own pirate radio station. (1964 - 1966)

He was a true 'pioneer' and because he couldn't afford to buy a boat - discovered abandoned war time forts in the Thames Estuary.  He laid claim to several of them - but eventually decided that Shivering Sands were the best forts outside British jurisdiction. 

He started to broadcast with Screaming Lord Sutch for fun and on a low budget. Sutch went back to performing, but Reg decided to continue against the odds - and eventually made it a success.  Just as he was about to sign an agreement to go into partnership with Radio London to become the most powerful of all the 'pirates' the station was boarded in the night and taken over by unsuccesful pirate rival - Major Smedley and a Miss Kitty Black - with a gang of armed thugs. 

Midsummer night June 1966   Smedley was waiting- loaded his  shotgun and killed Reg.  All the witnesses on Reg's  side were cancelled and evidence lost. Major Smedley walked free.

A murder mystery play based on true life and facts.

 Scripts Available @ £7.50 per copy

Available from:

Fillongley Publicatins

Email: fillongleypub @btinternet. com

Cast: approx 10+ aged 16 - 60.

Music: Extracts from pre recorded 1960's songs.

Staging: Simple - with black backdrop.  Some scaffolding if available.

THIS PLAY CAN BE PERFORMED FREE OF ROYALTIES up to December 2012 by amateur theatre groups, for a maximum run of 8 performances in a theatre up to 350 maximum seats.