Clifton Hall - Book update

October 19, 2015
It seems to be taking me forever to complete Book II, about the lives of Reg and Dorothy Calvert and Clifton Hall, otherwise known as the 'School or Rock' or 'School of Pop.'  The book  is almost ready to publish - and is currently being read / edited. 190 pages and many photographs.  It will  cover the period between 1960 and 1964, continuing from Southampton days and the move to Clifton Hall near Rugby.  

Writing this book is like putting together a massive jigsaw. So many people have come forward with their memories of working for Reg and Dorothy Calvert and their amazing time at Clifton Hall. Woven into the story is detail of struggle, failure and success, great sadness and much fun! 

Book Progress Report - Book Two 'Clifton Hall' is now almost complete. 175 pages with many photographs.

May 30, 2015

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REG - DEATH OF A PIRATE - Play review

November 15, 2011
4th November, 2011. Abbey Theatre Nuneaton.
What a night!  ~ After a 'poor' dress rehearsal the previous night - we were all worried.  But on the night - we pulled it off and everyone came out of the theatre 'buzzing'.  It was great to hear the audience laughing and enjoying the play.  The story of Reg and Dorothy's lives is extraordinary. Full of drama, highs and lows.  Not what the audience were expecting.  Many of the audience remembered them, Glen Dale, Andy Brown, Barney Peacock, Roger Sc...
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About Me

susan calvert They say that before we are born we choose our parents. I think I would most certainly have selected mine. Being a 'post war' baby, most of my friends led ordinary lives whereas my sister and I were priviledged to have an unusual childhood, growing up with musicians and pop stars. My father, (Reg Calvert) and I were very close. He encouraged me to do anything - be anything (much against my mother's wishes). The shock of his murder and his killer walking free had a lasting impact on not just our family but many people who knew and loved him. I married, settled down and did the normal things like having two children. I also started my own business, became an artist and writer and recently composed my own music to go with the play 'School of Rock & Roll.' Maybe the biggest impact on me was learning at eighteen, that life is fragile. You or a loved one can walk out of your door one day and not return. I hate to waste time and try to cram in as much as I possibly can. The lesson my father taught me was 'there is no such word as 'can't'.
